Are you interested in IntelliCUP™ for your country?
IntelliCUP is seeking interested Country Licensees that will partner with them to launch and manage the infrastructure per country of operation. The Country Licensee is a very lucrative business opportunity given IntelliCUP’s business model and ability to generate income from a variety of linked sources – service fee income, in-App advertising, cup branding, in app purchases, trade data, consumer data and IOT linked revenue streams for person to person, person to machine and machine to machine communication. IntelliCUP provides beverage solutions across the board, meaning that the opportunity is broader than just pouring beer and the revenue streams above can be linked to all types of “kegged” carbonated and un-carbonated drinks.
The Licensee will need to provide a brief top level business plan outlining their local market knowledge, route to market and either existing or planned infrastructure. IntelliCUP will then work with the prospective Licensee around system training and operation, integrating the payment platforms and gateways per currency and country as well as assist them to achieve the forecasted sales through relevant marketing material.

IntelliCUP’s business plan requires a nominal upfront licence fee to be paid based on the initial annual forecast, but this fee is a rebateable fee that is earned back by the Licensee through performance. This upfront fee funds the required set up per country as required by IntelliCUP. We believe that this creates a true partnership opportunity and ensures that both IntelliCUP and the in country Licensee work jointly to create a successful implementation and long term lucrative business.
Contact IntelliCUP on for further information and worksheets that will assist in modelling your business.